Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday Writing Prompt

Today's writing prompt is the start of sentences from The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes.
                   1. There are times when I can go full days without thinking about.....
                   2. I make my face.....
                   3. When I'm marched.....
                   4. For a moment, I can imagine....
                   5. All the women I ever knew had palms like.....
                   6. It's two months until.....
                   7. Those who got out are defying......
                   8.  But if the Prophet were.....
                   9. The first time......
                 10. And it's then that I know.....
                 11. I looked down at her.....
                 12. I know some facts about.....
                 13. The men came at us......
                 14. My father's mouth was clenched......
                 15. The rent's unpaid......
                 16. When we arrive at my cell.....
                 17. I searched the crowd but.....
                 18. I stare at the letters......
                 19. Anger is a kind of......
                 20. A clanging noise......

Have fun!

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