Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Writing Prompt

I have been reading the Hobbit and it is very easy to image it being read aloud. As I was reading I thought so many of these random sentences would be good prompts. So, today's prompts are random sentences from the Hobbit. 

1. And so at last they all came to the Last Homely House, and found its doors flung wide.

2. The dragon and the Mountain are more than big enough tasks for you!

3. Now there came a glimmer of red light before them.

4. Now far below the goblins and the wolves were scattering far and wide in the woods.

5. And so they parted.

6. The feasting people were Wood-elves, of course.

7. It was also the dungeon of his prisoners

8. The only person thoroughly unhappy was  .....

9. He did not expect a chorus of volunteers so he was not disappointed.

10. The whole place stinks of dragon.

Have fun

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